“Please” & “Thank you”

Greetings and salutations.  May this find you happy and blessed.  The law of attraction describes that like attracts like.  Therefore what one does, says, thinks and feels is likely to attract the same vibration to them.

“Please” resonates with the vibration of humility.  “Thank you” resonates with the vibration of gratitude.  Both of these vibrations align with love & light.  The more one holds vibrations grounded in love and light the better practiced one will become and the easier it will be to maintain those vibrations.  The use of “please” and “thank you” regularly, from the heart, will attract love and light to you.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora





Being Right vs. Doing Right

Greetings and salutations.  It is with much love, light and support that we greet you today!  “Being right” is a function of the mind and the ego.  “Doing right” is a function of the heart.

Lead from your heart and others will follow.  Hold the kingdom of wisdom and decision in your heart and you will innately act and speak with kindness and compassion.

It is not important to “be right” it is important to “do right”.  “Being right” is an illusion born of subjective creation.  “Doing right” is following the path and guidance from your heart for the creation of you through your actions, thoughts, intentions and deeds.

Society can be obsessed with accountability and blame such that no one wants or dares to be wrong or make mistakes.  What is labeled as right or wrong is often subjective and sometimes even nonsensical.  Sometimes in the pursuit of assigning blame, righteousness or wrongness the truth and honesty are overlooked, disregarded, dishonored or discounted in the pursuit of making the ends justify the means.

The ends often present a tendency to want to “be right” while the means present an opportunity through our actions and decisions to “do right”.   The ends rarely justify the means.

Release fear and judgment of self and others.  Embrace love, kindness and peace within yourself and then extend it to others.  Fear nothing.  Seed love, hope, patience and tolerance.  You are loved infinitely and eternally.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora

When we see the Light

Greetings and salutations.  It is with great love, affection and admiration that we greet you today.  It is important for you to recognize and support the light in both yourself and in others.  We encourage you to be discerning about who you support and who you invite into your life, whether that invitation is into your home or into public service on your behalf.  Light and shadow grow from your choices and the collective choices of humanity.  Choosing to be aware and consciously supporting those who work in and with the light grows that agenda.

Not all beings are holding the same amount of light in this time and space.  Support those that have been able to create an existence that holds great light.  They too have overcome their own adversities to be able to do so.  Watch and see how they hold the light and carry it as they are way showers, masters and teachers, here to help show you the way.

Be aware of a concept known as “mirroring”.  “Mirroring” can occur when one encounters a light being.  The purity of the vibration carried by the light being can cause one to reflect back their own image and see that which they like or dislike within themselves.  The tendency is to then project what one is displeased about within themselves onto the light being because the light vibration has awakened and illuminated where they perceive themselves to be in deficit and that they are truly unhappy or dissatisfied by something within themselves.  Hence the label for this dynamic as “mirroring”.

“Mirroring” can breed resentment, jealousy and envy of another’s light and from there a desire to dim that light rather than raise one’s own based on the false belief that the other has done something to you to make you feel inadequate or deserves somehow to be diminished.   Do not envy, be jealous or seek to find fault with others because you perceive them to be happy, joyous, abundant or prosperous and don’t allow shadow to deceive you into believing that those of the light are unworthy, weak or inadequate because they show kindness, compassion, tolerance and love.  Do not believe that they are holding a standard you can not.  You are all loved equally and they are no more loved than you.  In fact they may love you more than you love yourself….  We are sovereign beings and as such we can choose to change ourselves and grow in the light every day and any day we like.  It really is just that simple, choose differently.

Because of the dynamic of “mirroring”, we can sometimes sabotage ourselves and each other.  Shadow side plays on insecurities and feelings of inadequacy to turn you against your brothers and sisters of the light.  But as important as it is to grow our own love and light, it is perhaps even more important to refrain from diminishing, dimming  and dampening the love and light of others.  Hold a standard for the light and honor those who do so as well.  By supporting others who hold the light, we support ourselves and help to create the world in which we wish to reside.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora



Seasons of Change

Greetings and salutations.  May you have many blessings and much happiness.  You are loved beyond measure.  Today we are looking at the seasons of change.  All that is extends from source.  All that is, whether tangible or intangible, has its season for creation, de-construction, beginning and ending.  In one season it will rise and in another it will fall.  This includes belief systems and understandings as well.  Do not become overly attached to events as they are part of a cycle each having its season in the divine plan.

One can sometimes feel a sense of grieving when change occurs over the loss of the old attachments, storylines, experiences and belief systems.  There can be resistance to letting go of what was and being open to what is or will be.  This is especially true of belief systems since we build our lives and thinking upon what we have chosen to accept and take in as our truth.  When we discover that our truth may be flawed or in fact not truth at all, we sometimes resist accepting the change.  Change in our belief systems can shake the foundation of who we are or who we thought we were, which can cause fear.  Thus the desire to resist cycles of change and new truths can occur as manner of insulating oneself from insecurity, uncertainty and fear.

Releasing expectation, being open to change and actively seeking truth will allow you the flexibility to adapt comfortably, easily and readily to the change of seasons in all things.  Have faith and knowing that all time, space and dimension are in divine order even if they may appear chaotic.

Everything is temporary and the inevitable change of seasons will occur, this too shall pass.

Accept the truth openly and honor the truth whether it fits within your current belief systems or not.  The truth is the truth and as you grow, understand and honor the truth more deeply, it will necessarily require you to replace one truth with another as you grow and evolve.  Be open to change and the seasons of your own growth.  Do not be afraid of the truth or change, rather welcome them and you shall be renewed.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora

Exchanging Ideas without Criticizing

Greetings and salutations.  Today we are reviewing the distinction between exchanging ideas and criticizing.  While it may seem obvious that these two communication techniques are different, they are often misapplied in relation to each other.

Comments that serve to share & exchange ideas are legitimate forms of advancing mutual understandings.  Comments that tend to criticize can be tools of judgment and suppression rooted in an exercise of power and control.  While criticism can mean to merely evaluate without necessarily finding fault; the process has developed in a manner that often involves the expression of some measure of disapproval.  Criticism is often the product of personal judgment as to the perceived merits or faults in someone or something.

The distinction between sharing ideas and criticizing is in part contained in the energy, intonation or non-verbal behavior behind the communication as well as the manner in which it is conveyed.  When there are subtleties or differences between the words and the intentions behind the words, the inconsistencies create separate energetic signatures or energetic sub-agendas which can be felt by the receiver.  The receiver hears one thing, but senses another.

In choosing to offer an answer, inform or share with another, we take responsibility for being as accurate and correct as possible.  This includes everything from formal instruction to informal discussion.  It is always appropriate to protect your integrity by saying “I don’t know”, “I am not sure” or “In my opinion”.  These are statements of strength that show honesty, candor and a sense of responsibility for the quality, accuracy and content of the information being conveyed to the listener.

Try to distinguish whether the information presented represents opinion or fact as well as the degree of accuracy and certainty one possesses regarding the information.  One does not want to overstate a piece of information such that the receiver takes it in as truth or fact when in actuality the information is not.  There are few absolute truths or absolute facts.  Most information is built on top of or over base truths making the information less pure and reliable as it builds higher and larger on top of itself and more distant from source.

When answering someone’s question or sharing information about a topic be as loving, patient, honest and accurate as possible.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora

Nurture & Nourish

Greetings and salutations.  May you have many blessings, much happiness and love!  Today we are discussing nurturing & nourishing yourself and others.

Nurture and love yourself, nurture and love others.  Love yourself so much that you want to grow, expand and share that love with others.  God/Source loves all souls equally and unconditionally no matter how much they are influenced by light or by shadow.

How you experience, perceive and process your life journey is within your own choosing.  What you feed will grow.  Feed love with your energy and thoughts and love will grow.  Feed anger with your energy and thoughts and anger will grow.  Understanding that you are the driver and supplier of your own emotional input is key to deciding how you wish to experience it.  No one can make you feel angry, happy, sad or even loved for that matter.  It is all up to you and how you decide to interpret the circumstances and information that make up your life.

By allowing others to direct or dictate your moods you give away your power of self-determination.  Remember how others behave is statement of who they are, their karma and their choices.  How you react and behave is a statement of who you are, your karma and your choices.  You get to decide who you are, who you want to be and how you will choose to process and perceive your experiences.

Your thinking and energy are nourishment and what they feed will grow.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora


Greetings and Salutations.  May you have many blessings and know that you are infinitely and unconditionally loved.  Today we are looking at expectations and how they can affect an individual.

If you find yourself affected by the behaviors, actions or inactions of another, consider why that might be.  Have you created an expectation for how that sovereign being should act or not act based upon your own belief systems and patterns of thinking?

Each sovereign soul chooses their own path and life lessons.  We cannot choose their path or divine lessons for them and we are not responsible for their decisions.  All we can do is recognize that we create our own expectations from the product of our own thinking, experiences and belief systems.

There is much room for self-expression within each soul’s individual and sovereign identity.  There are many ways to accomplish a task, there are many ways to think, there are many ways to create, there are many ways to show love and there are many ways to BE and allow others to BE.  Tolerance, forgiveness and allowing others to BE who they are is a healthier approach than assigning multiple expectations for how we think they should BE.

If one recognizes that expectations can be a creation of our own making and that disappointment by the failure of another to live up to our expectations may also be a product of our own creation, then we are free to alter or release that expectation without making it or another right or wrong.

This is not to suggest that any soul should subjugate itself unwillingly to another or that in all instances the creation or holding of an expectation is inherently incorrect.  Rather today, the intent is to shine light on the inner workings and process of creating personal expectations so that you may see that process more clearly and at work in yourself.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora

Beginnings, Endings & Agendas

Greetings and salutations.  Today we are looking at beginnings, endings and intentions or agendas.  Endings are as important as beginnings and there is often an overlap between the two.  Endings creates space for new beginnings, just as beginnings can be born from the space created by endings.  Where they co-exist in harmony there is flow.  Sometimes something must be ended before a new beginning can emerge.  From the space created by an ending, new life and light can be brought forth and burst into growth and magnificence.

It is helpful to be aware and mindful if the people and circumstances around you are contributing to an ending or a beginning.  Are the people around you contributing to creating beginnings or to creating endings?  In so observing, you can assess if their intentions or agendas are in alignment with yours.  Do they advance agendas that are designed for growth or de-construction?  Both have their place in the circle but are they currently aligned with your goals and intentions?

If we look at creation and destruction as intentions or agendas, it is helpful to discern if persons in your environment are operating with consistent or inconsistent agendas.  Sometimes the success of an intention or a venture can be derailed by a person who works inconsistently or outside the stated or intended agenda in service of a separate or sub-agenda.  Separate or sub-agenda’s can serve to frustrate or undermine your attempts to succeed at whatever you are trying to accomplish if they are incompatible, destructive or counter-productive to your intentions.

Where one seeks to destroy what another seeks to create, then there is imbalance and disharmony.  In surrounding yourself with similarly intended people, you will increase your likelihood of success.  Do not be afraid, however, to remain open to people with dissimilar opinions or agendas; just be aware that is the circumstance.

Remember that beginnings and endings can be subtle as well as dramatic.  A small change or shift in a relationship can signal the end of the way it was and the beginning of the way it will be.  This presents an opportunity for growth.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora


Becoming You

Greetings and Salutations.  It is with much love and excitement that I greet you on this day.  Many of us are experiencing a shift within and are finding that the normal or previous ways we used to manage ourselves and our growth are not seeming to be adequate anymore.  We are being encouraged to stretch outside of our comfort zones and familiar patterns and manners of doing things.

Growth can have the feel of being stretched, like bark on a tree with its textured stretch marks showing progress from one year to the next.  Some years the climate is suitable for rapid growth and other years the conditions make growth more challenging.  This year and especially now, the vibrational climate is so suitable for growth that it may come fast and furious.  As a result, you may feel stretched and find that your old ways of doing things do not suit you as well as they used to.

We are being encouraged to “Become” at this time.  The previous crutches that we used, in whatever form they might have taken, can be seemingly less useful or available to us now.  You are of course never alone during this process but while being coxed into self sufficiency it can sometimes feel that way.  When you are accustomed to familiar ways of doing things, changes to those familiar patterns can make you feel stretched and even abandoned.  This process can feel like being gently or not so gently pushed out of the nest (your comfort zone) as you are being encouraged to use/exercise and restore your own innate capabilities.  Many are being encouraged to walk more sturdily on their own legs and fly more capably with their own wings at this time.  As you know, no one can walk your path or do your growing & learning for you, you must do it for yourself and this is your birthright.  By creating your own journey, you craft and tailor your own life experiences to best suit you.  Know that there are always loving guides around you who watch over you constantly with love and compassion.  Sometimes, however, the only way up or out is through, so you have to move forward through your growing pains to get to the next level.

One can resist growth and change but what you resist will persist.  Alternatively, you can allow, allow, allow and change with flow.  Let go of what you expect and create something happy, healthy and harmonious in the now moment.  Look at the now moment with fresh eyes, attitude and with no expectations as to how it should serve you but rather how you can serve it, by helping the now moment to succeed.  Look at what blessings exist in and around you in the now moment and be grateful for them.  Gratitude and humility will attract a similar vibration.

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora


Greetings and salutations.  Today we write to you with great enthusiasm for we are entering upon most amazing times.  You are a spark of God/Source, born with an individual identity, soul sovereignty and the right to free will and the pursuit of happiness.  The time to reclaim your inheritance and birth right is now in a most loving and grateful manner.

As a spark of God, you are made in his/her image from Source material.  For some, the idea of referring to yourself as a part of God/Source may seem egocentric or uncomfortable.  To those we would say, perhaps then consider yourself as an ambassador for God/Source on a diplomatic mission in the service of God/Source for you are in fact both.  You are an individual sovereign expression of God/Source like a unique special snow flake but you are also an extension and part of a larger unity or collective consciousness consisting of us all.  You are and experience both sovereignty and unity at the same time.

Sovereignty meaning the unique, the individual expression, the person, the one;

Unity meaning the whole, the collective, Source, the ONE (all);

Both the one (sovereignty) and the ONE (unity) exist in duality side by side, at the same time and in the same space, both of equal importance and ideally in balance with each other.

Please never doubt that you are a part of and a representative of God/Source which is unconditional love.  Bring this knowing to all that you do, all that you say and all that you are.  Love and accept generously your brothers, your sisters and yourself!

It is with Gratitude and thanks that I write to you on this day.

I send you much love & light – Aurora